Friday 22 April 2016

How did you Attract/Address your Audience?

I've been attracting my audience all the way throughout my products.

 Age of Models

I used young models, aged 17/18, so that my readers could identify themselves with them. I discarded the idea of using younger models because fourteen-years-old can identify with someone which is actually older, and look at them as a model to follow, while nineteen-years-old are not interested in younger girls' life anymore, as they have already been through it.

I've been looking for someone loved and respected by teenagers to emulate, taking inspiration in her style, ideas and story.

Taylor Swift
 Most people know Taylor Swift is a hugely popular celebrity who has been on the rise for today’s teenage generation for years, and she is someone who has a high level of social leverage over the actions of young girls. 
Her songs have sold record amounts, but past all the concert tours, ticket and album sales, and few roles in shows and television, why does Taylor Swift strike such a cord with young people?
The Taylor Swift song “Fifteen” from her second album “Fearless” is quite different from a lot of other contemporary popular songs. It has a nice melody and lyrics, but proves to be so much more than that. It tells the story of who she was at fifteen, a scary time for many girls as they transition into the new world of high school. Eventually, she realizes life moves past high school, and she needs to mature and be her own person. She crafts a song to express what girls for generations have been feeling, the battle to want to fit in versus the battle to be yourself. A few lines in the song stand out and lead to the conclusion that Swift’s motives are actually more complex than they may appear on the surface


Key data in the statistic:

61% of teenage girls start wearing make up between 13/15
28% of teenage girls start when 16 or older

Being my audience aged 14/19, the percentage of girls wearing make up is considerably high.

68% are loyal to their favorite brand
Most sold makeup brands in the UK:


Featuring one or more of these brands in my magazine would catch the attention.

Which I did.

75% of them don't mind spending money on make up because it makes them fell good

What more influences people to buy make up is FREE SAMPLES


In many of the photos featured in my magazine the artist is posing in a provocativefunnyendearing way, to portray a typical pop vibe.

The subjects of my pictures are 
very stylish.

The clothing is really stereotypical for a pop magazine. Everything is really bright and with a typical pattern.

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