Friday 22 April 2016

What kind of Media Institution might distribute your Media Product and Why?

Any magazine wanting to be successful on the newsstand needs to know the value of marketing.
Before a magazine reaches the public, you will need to sell your magazine to two main groups.

First Stop - The National Distributor
They would evaluate all new titles and give honest opinion and answers about their potential, as they know the categories that are doing well and the chains where those magazine are selling. 

Step Two - The retailer
They have the potential to place a magazine wherever periodicals are sold, including supermarkets, bookstores, convenience stores and airports
It's absolutely not guaranteed that any or all of the retailers will take the title.

Chain buyers control what titles are carried in their stores. They are constantly being approached to stock new magazines and their approval list often contains a limited number of new titles. 

For any new launch, a promotion budget is also necessary. If you believe in your product, enhanced display space will get copies off of the mainline and to a place where customers will be inclined to buy it. Sometimes it's necessary to purchase promotions in order to get listed. Getting “listed” essentially means having a form signed by the chain saying that wholesalers can supply copies. These "Authorization to Supply" forms are signed by the chain buyer and authorizes that copies can go into various retailers who are part of the chain. Without these forms, the wholesaler will not supply copies.


22 million people.
107 brands.
Radio, Digital, Tv, magazines, Live.

Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations.


These are all the magazines distributed by Bauer.

Music Magazines distributed by Bauer



My Magazine


My magazine would perfectly fit as Bauer Media doesn´t have any other product that could compete with mine. Moreover, in this way they could appeal to a larger audience.

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