Thursday 1 October 2015

Social Class & Demographic of My Product

My target audience will be aimed at middle class white Brithis females becuase they are stereotipically the people who pop magayines are aimed at, and that would buy the magazine because is the genre of music the actually listen to.
It would be middle class female because they are more likely toup-to-date with the fashion treds, which means they'd be able to afford it.
As I am targeting also older teens, they would be able to buy the magazine themselves, if they do or their parents do it for them, either or, they would be a middle class family, because of both the contents and the price.


A mainstream will follow crowds and will be interested in everything that it's featured within the pop music magayine; this is because someone used to follow, always wants reliable products.
As mainstreamersmake 40% of all consumers, we will find that they are interested withi this particular music genre as it is perfect due to the persuasion and reliability influenced through the artist's clothing, make up, words.


Aspirers are very suited for this music genre because they are seen as wanting to succed in life and they will see how successful pop music artists have become and they understand that this a life they would like to have, due to thepersonal status it creates.
Aspirers believe that their personal status is very important so the magazine will pride themselves with the fashion tips and the advices about how to make sure they fit.

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